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Safety & Health



All members of staff can be identified by their bright blue tops and name badges. Visitors to preschool are most welcome and are required to sign the visitors’ book which is located on the table in the corridor. We also have some volunteers who regularly help out during preschool sessions as well as members of the preschool committee. All staff and committee members are DBS checked. All members of staff have a responsibility for safeguarding your child and attend regular training updates in safeguarding matters.


Key Person


When your child starts at preschool, they will be allocated a ‘Key Person’ who will have special responsibility for them. They are there to ensure that your child is settling into preschool and is happy and content. They will monitor their development and tailor activities to suit their changing needs. At certain times during the session the children may split into groups. This is so they have the opportunity to further develop skills which are appropriate to their stage of development. These groups are led by your child’s Key Person. The Key Person is responsible for maintaining and updating your child’s learning journey, they may change during their time at preschool.


Drop Off and Pick Up


At Wymeswold Preschool, we take safeguarding of children in our care very seriously. Therefore If someone different is to pick up your child from preschool, could we please ask you to inform a member of staff at drop off so this can be entered into our daily diary. You will be asked to sign and date the entry. If you are running late to pick up your child from preschool, could you please call and let us know as soon as possible. 10 minutes after the session has ended we will attempt to contact all emergency contacts on a child's file. If no-one after 1 hour we will contact the first response team. If they are unable to locate the child's guardian the child will be looked after by the local authority. If you have any questions or concerns regarding this, please contact the Preschool Leader.


First Aid


In the event of a minor accident, first aid will be administered. All staff at Wymeswold Preschool hold a paediatric first aid qualification. In the event of an emergency, the emergency services and parents will be contacted immediately. All accidents are recorded in our accident/incident book by whoever deals with the incident. Parents are also required to sign the record. Could we please ask that you alert staff to any medical needs which your child may have. These include asthma, eczema and any allergies particularly to food, drink or medication.




Please contact preschool as soon as possible if your child is absent for any reason. This can be done via phone, text or email. We are required as part of our Ofsted registration to keep a register of attendance. All absences will need to be signed for by a parent.

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